ご神木に触れて願うと、その願いを届けてくれる不思議な力/If you touch the sacred tree and make a wish, it will grant your wish with its mysterious power.

Miyazawa, Seya Ward, Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan Uncategorized

ご神木/Sacred tree




Shinto is a nature worship religion that teaches that “gods reside in all things in nature,” referring to the “eight million gods.” In Shinto, shrines are facilities where rituals are held.

In this belief, sacred trees refer to trees and forests that serve as “sacred trees,” and generally refer to trees that are considered to be sacred and are found within the grounds of a shrine or in the guardian forest that surrounds it.

There are also exceptional cases where memorial trees donated by people connected to a shrine, or timber used in the construction of a shrine, are considered sacred trees.

御神木に近づく前に知っておきたいこと/Things you should know before approaching the sacred tree





Since sacred trees are trees in which gods reside, there are a few things you should be careful of before approaching them. Here are some points to keep in mind.

First, before approaching a sacred tree, check your step. If there are roots, do not step on them. If you cannot get close without stepping on them, give up on touching them.

Also, before approaching a sacred tree, purify your mind and body. This can be done by walking along the approach to the shrine or purifying yourself at the temizuya (purification fountain). This is to keep your mind calm before approaching the gods and to be able to converse with them in a peaceful state.

If you touch the trunk of a sacred tree, only lightly place your hand on it or stroke it. Do not peel off the bark or break the branches. If the roots or bark are damaged, bacteria will enter and cause the tree to rot. Also, sacred trees are the property of the shrine, so you are punished by law for “damage to property.”

御神木との接し方/How to interact with sacred trees

To come into contact with a sacred tree is to have a conversation with the gods. Just as when visiting the main hall of a shrine, it is important to convey your reverence and gratitude to the gods.

When you stand in front of the sacred tree, try to feel its energy. Calm your mind, take a deep breath, and feel the energy of nature.

Then, look up at the tree. You will feel as if its energy is pouring down from the heavens. Then, look down to the roots. The roots are the source of life, and the place where you can feel life the most. From here, you should be able to sense the will of the sacred tree.

If you are able to touch it, ask the gods to let you touch them before doing so. If you cannot touch them, just holding your hand over them is enough. This will allow you to have a conversation with the gods.

Once you have received their words, convey your gratitude at the end. This gratitude will increase the power of the gods. It is important that this mutual relationship is established.

引用元:Quote source

神社の御神木について!正しい接し方、神様が宿る8本の御神木 - 舞の道 観音舞




